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Gifted and Talented Program

About Our Program..........

According to New Jersey's "Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act," a 'gifted and talented student' means a student who possesses or demonstrates a high level of ability in one or more content areas when compared to his chronological peers in the school district and who requires modifications of his educational program if [s]he is to achieve in accordance with his capabilities:

Carlstadt Public School strives to support all students and provide services to nurture and grow those students who are identified as gifted and talented. Using the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and 21 st century skills, the child s teacher will enhance the child's educational experience to meet the unique needs of the exceptional student.

Kindergarten - Grade 2: Students are supported in the classroom with differentiation of content, process, and product. The gifted and talented teacher will consult with teachers to provide differentiation within the classroom. Students also participate in STEAM lab activities multiple times throughout the year.

Grades 3 - 8: In addition to the same services for Kindergarten through grade 2, students in each grade level will meet once a week for 41 minutes with the gifted and talented teacher to work on various projects. The core of these classes will be spent using the program The Odyssey of the Mind, a collaborative problem -solving program that allows students to apply real-world skills to real- world problems and utilize multiple skill sets to achieve a resolution. Some gifted students may also be enrolled in advanced math classes in 7th and 8th grades.


By October 1 of each school year, the gifted and talented teacher, supervisor, and principal will identify and notify families of students in Grades 3 - 8 of a child's acceptance into the gifted and talented program for that school year.

Kindergarten — Grade 2

Above grade level scores on the Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment from the previous June

2.     Link-It Benchmark Assessment — Exceeding on Form A for math or language arts of current grade

3.     Report Card Assessment

4.     Teacher Recommendation

Meet 3 or more criteria:


Meet 3 or more criteria:

1.     Cogat score above 110

2.      Above grade level scores on the Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment from the previous June

3.      Link-It Benchmark Assessment — Exceeding on Form A for math or language arts of current grade

4.      Report Card Assessment - Exceeding in reading, writing, and math

5.      Teacher Recommendation

Grades 4 - 8

Meet 3 or more criteria:

1.   Cogat score above 115

2. Above grade level scores on the Fountas and Pinnell Reading Assessment from the previous June

3. Link-It Benchmark Assessment - Exceeding on Form A for math or language arts of current grade OR exceeding expectations on the immediately previous grade's NJSLA assessment

4. Report Card Assessment - Exceeding in reading, writing and math OR 90 or above in the core subjects

5. Teacher Recommendation



Any parent/ guardian who has questions regarding the program, entry requirements, or needs additional information regarding the program, please review the Carlstadt Public School's Gifted and Talented policies and procedures. These procedures are outlined above and also listed in our Digital Parent Student Handbook found on the district website. If more information is needed, contact


If a further complaint needs to be filed regarding entrance into the program, please contact the Superintendent who will file a complaint with the board of education where at the next board meeting, the board will then issue a decision, in writing, to affirm, reject or modify the district's action in the matter. You may then file a petition of appeal of the Board's written decision to the Commissioner of Education through the Office of Controversies and Disputes in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:6 -9 and the procedures set forth in State Board of Education regulations.





CONTACT: Mrs. Jessica Lapa 201-672-3000

Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction

Gifted and Talented Coordinator