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School Threat Assessment Information


On August 1, 2022,Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation requiring the board of education in each school district to develop and adopt policy for the establishment of a threat assessment team. 

The purpose of the threat assessment team is to provide school teachers, administrators and other staff with assistance in identifying students of concern, assessing those students’ risk or engaging in violence or other harmful activities, and delivering intervention strategies to manage the risk of harm for students who pose a potential safety risk to prevent targeted violence in the school. Threat assessment teams work to ensure a safe and secure school environment that enhances the learning experience for all members of the school community.

For more information regarding threat assessment teams please visit this website.

If you would like to report a threat or concerning behavior please complete this form.

If you have information that poses immediate danger to the school please contact Carlstadt Police at 201-438-4300.

Please note, if school officials have reason to believe a concern was reported wrongfully or falsely submitted, disciplinary action will be enforced.